Susanne's Signature Course
8 Weeks to Transformation
Launching September 2022!
Reality is, that we are here having a very human experience; we cannot forget that.​​​
It really doesn't matter how spiritual you are, how much you meditate, how intuitive you are, how scholarly you are, how old you are and so on. Human is human. We are here to evolve as a human race and learn how to actually be human; that is easier said than done. I have never met a person who didn't have stuff in their "backpack" that got in the way of them living their absolute best life.
Over the past many years in working with human behavior, the psyche, belief systems, programming, trauma, chaos, drama, dysfunction, relationships, intuition, a multitude of healing modalities and the like, it is crystal clear to me, that we only know what we know, and we only see what we are ready and willing to see at any given time. There are specific things that EVERYONE should know about this human experience called life and it goes way beyond just learning about the role of your ego, "fixing your mindset" and healing a trauma. It is imperative to not only focus on the removal of beliefs, the virtues learned from a specific experience/period in life, and a healing. It is my experience, that unless you gain the knowledge of what else goes on behind the scenes as a human, you will ultimately create the same patterns, behaviors, circumstances and/or disease again.
In todays society, we have been conditioned to expect immediate results and instant gratification. Sad, but true. This results in many seeking out band-aide solutions.
If you continue to do the mental-emotional-and/or-spiritual bypass, you cannot expect lasting healing and change. I am not saying that there aren't many absolutely amazing and effective healing modalities out there because there most certainly are! Clearly, I believe in them, I am trained in many and use them both personally and professionally. We are here to learn how to embrace and live through the internal power that we all do possess (whether you believe you have it or not). Learning to rely on your own power instead of others is priceless. Part of that power is learning to work with your "humanness" and not against it. Others can help guide you, yes, and there is value in that. But seeking out a healer, coach or therapist for an hour or a few is just not going to cut it in the long run. Embrace being human and the very unique experience that it is.
Knowledge is POWER and healing is FREEDOM; a perfect combination!​
This is for you if:​
you seek emotional freedom
you want to feel more in control of YOU
your relationships could be better; including your relationship with yourself
you are not achieving what you want in your life/career
you feel that you don't know yourself
you feel lost/stuck/alone
you are bothered by your past
you are struggling with acceptance
you are SO over band-aide solutions
you have done therapy and other healing, but you are still not living the life you want
you have never done healing or therapy and don't know where to start your healing journey
What You Get:
In just 8 weeks you are going to learn SO much about yourself, your family/caregivers, your partner, your friends etc. in reference to what programs are running the show, the how and the why. Through very strategically chosen lessons, assignments and exercises, you will be able to better make decisions that supports your well-being and growth, gain the freedom needed to make new and improved choices and changes so you can begin to fully step into who YOU truly are (and who you want to become) so you can work your magic in the world.
This is a study at your own pace course with a new module dropping once a week. In the 8 weeks, you will receive 8 video modules, accompanying assignments and exercises for forward movement and healing.
Your investment is only $997!!!
Should you decide to go all in, you can choose the VIP option, and you will also receive three (2) 60 minute personal 1 on 1 healing sessions with me to be scheduled and completed during the 8 weeks. There are a limited number of the VIP option available. Your VIP option investment is only $1597!!!
What People Say:
​"Wow! In a matter a weeks I have learned more about myself than I thought possible. Susanne's approach and knowledge about people is so different yet it makes total sense. This is nothing like traditional therapy, it is so much better. I have truly realized that my healing journey does not have to be complicated, nor does my life; what a relief! Thank you!"
-Michelle, FL
"If you really want to transform your life in a short time period of time and make those transformations permanent - do this course! I feel so privileged to have been able to take part and I know it will have a lasting impact on me.
I wanted to do this course because I needed to understand the healing process and why we respond the way we do to certain situations.
The course provides insight, information, knowledge and healing and it is both challenging and freeing.
It helps you to truly understand people, it has changed the way I think about people and myself.
The pace really gives you time to digest the teachings and the assignments, they provide space to sit with feelings and emotions but also offer the chance to ask questions and discuss in an open and welcoming setting." (VIP option)
-Helen, United Kingdom
"I look at my life and other people COMPLETELY different already after Susanne's course. Things that I never thought had affected my life were brought to my attention and I have released so much! Learning how all these self-destructive and self-limiting patterns and beliefs are truly formed and what is needed to change and move forward from them is SO eye-opening. Honestly, I want my entire family to do this course too."
-Anette, Denmark
I am
Ready to Transform my Life!